
Current Event #5

 There is a so-called “Arctic Blast” sweeping over the United States causing Alabama and Florida to freeze, literally, and also causing Maine, Michigan, and New York to get a whole foot of snow. In Alabama, a freeze warning was called as the temperature dropped to 20 and below. The National Weather Service in Mobile, warned to “protect exposed pipes, provide warm and safe shelter for pets, and check on those without heat.” And Floridians woke up to 30 degree weather. Multiple parts of Michigan were digging out from being buried in 30 inches of snow with Buffalo setting records of more than eleven inches of snow. St. Louis, Missouri set cold records of eleven degrees breaking a record that stood for more than 100 years. Most of Maine and Vermont were hit with a foot of snow when the storm roared into its third day. Across multiple states, there were tons and tons of car crashes, some very fatal. This storm has affected around 200 million people and it’s not gonna stop there.  I think

Current Events #4

 On April 26th, Maine Governor Janet Mills signed a bill to celebrate “Indigenous People Day” instead of Columbus Day. Many people around the world believe that Columbus was a murderer of Indigenous Populations in the Americas and does not deserve to be honored and pictured as a brave hero. On the other hand, the Republicans of Maine believe that this move was a “radical left-winged agenda” meaning that they think Democrats have concern for people in society with a “disadvantage” and believe that there are unjustified inequalities that need to be reduced. “Our history is by no means perfect. But for too long, it has been written and presented in a way that fails to acknowledge our shortcomings.” Mills said at the signing of the bill. Activists say that in the past years celebrating and honoring Christopher Columbus ignores the atrocious things that he and other European explorers and navigators committed upon arrival.  I believe it is a good thing to show respect for Indig

Current Event #3

In Maine, pollution is a big issue that could cause the state long term damage. Marine biologists have found that 86% percent of sea turtles, 44% of seabird species, and 43% percent of marine mammal species ingest plastic fragments which are fatal and can cause animals to starve. In Maine only 2 types of sea turtles are frequently seen and they're known as Leatherback and Atlantic Ridley. Cans that are thrown into the water and on land can take 80-100 years, styrofoam can take 500-forever years, cigarettes can take 1-5 years, and paper takes 2-6 weeks to biodegrade. It is so so so easy for a bird, fish or turtle to mistake a piece of plastic for food which can be hazardous. In April 2019, Maine banned foam statewide. Surprisingly, Maine has the third-highest asthma rate in America which is very weird because Maine doesn’t have many big cities. Apparently Maine is getting a lot of ozone particle matter coming here through the wind from the midwest because of where it sits in Americ

Current Event #2

Burning Amazon Rainfores t                                                              Hannah Wallace   Brazil holds 90 percent of the Amazon Rainforest, but not for long. The rainforest in the Amazonas, Acre, Rondonia, and Mato Grosso do Sul have all been badly affected by the raging fires. According to National Geographic, the Amazon Rainforest provides 16 percent of the world's oxygen and it is responsible for pulling carbon dioxide out of the atmosphere as well. NASA satellites have confirmed that the Amazon forest is burning at an alarming and record rate. There are rumors that environmentalists blame loggers and ranchers for intentionally burning it down for more land to agriculture on. People all around are suspicious that this was in fact, no accident. The biggest reason for this belief is because the Amazon is a tropical area with torrential rainfall which would mean this forest would not burn down without man-made “accidents.”    I personally believe, that someo

Current Events 1: Will Ginger Get to Stay?

Current Events 1: Immigration  Hannah Wallace  A class  There is an important issue nationally: immigration. The definition of Immigration is the act of undocumented and illegal migration to a new country with the intention of living there permenatly. People may immigrate to a new country for multiple different reasons such as violence, persecution, sex trafficing, etc. In the article “Will Ginger Get To Stay?”, A girl named Ginger from Honduras, Central America, immigrated to America undocumented and illegally and ended up as an asylum seeker in America. An asylum seeker is someone who travels to another country because they fear violence and or persecution in their home country. When asylum seekers make it to the new country, they apply for protection whether they came legally, illegally, or undocumented. When Ginger applied, it was another 2 months before she was sent